United Tennis Association Monday Nights Interclub Draw 2018/19
Monday 6.30pm start
05 Nov 18
Ellerslie 1 vs Fairholme
Edendale vs Ellerslie 2
12 Nov 18
Ellerslie 2 vs Fairholme
Ellerslie 1 vs Edendale
19 Nov 18
Ellerslie 1 vs Ellerslie 2
Fairholme vs Edendale
26 Nov 18
Ellerslie 1 vs Fairholme
Edendale vs Ellerslie 2
03 Dec 18
Ellerslie 2 vs Fairholme
Ellerslie 1 vs Edendale
10 Dec 18
Wet Day
11 Feb 19
Ellerslie 1 vs Ellerslie 2
Fairholme vs Edendale
18 Feb 19
Ellerslie 1 vs Fairholme
Edendale vs Ellerslie 2
25 Feb 19
Ellerslie 2 vs Fairholme
Ellerslie 1 vs Edendale
05 Mar 19
Ellerslie 1 vs Ellerslie 2
Fairholme vs Edendale
11 Mar 19
Wet Day
Games start at 6.30 pm. Any team more than 5 minutes late defaults the first game. Start time can only be changed with the agreement of both teams and 24 hours in advance.
In the event for any reason a game is defaulted (this could include late arrival) the defaulting team will receive 0 points and their opponent six points for that game.
Host club (first on draw and underlined) must keep time for games, 5 minute warm up and 25 minute games.
Each team is to provide 1 pair of new 1st grade tennis balls each evening.
Any points in play at the sounding of the bell will count and be entered on the team sheet only if it completes a game.
All games will be “sudden death”, no advantages will be played. If the score reaches deuce, the non-serving player will dictate who is to receive the serve and the next point scored will decide the winner of the game.
Change of ends after every 4 games.
Teams are to comprise 2 ladies and 2 gents. Each member to play 1 game of doubles and 2 of combines, a different partner on each occasion. Teams may have more than 2 ladies but no more than 2 men.
A team score sheet is to be completed before leaving the venue. It must be signed by both teams. Host team is responsible for posting the result sheet within 7 days to Ray Ackland ray@worknplay.co.nz
Winning team is to be awarded 3 points and if it is a draw 1.5 points